Web Design 2.4

A Strategic Approach to Website Design

The Features Of Search Engine Marketing

The Features Of Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is a way of advertising your company or website through targeted keyword searches. The goal of search engine marketing is to show users relevant content and products and convert them into customers. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most important features of search engine marketing so you can decide if it’s right for your business!

Paid Advertising On Search Engines

Search engine marketing (SEM) is the use of paid advertising on search engines. SEM may incorporate display advertising, but it differs from affiliate marketing in that the latter is not paid per click. While some refer to SEM as “search engine optimization” (SEO), others distinguish between the two by saying that SEO refers more broadly to improvements made to increase visibility in organic search results, while SEM refers specifically to paid advertisements. The major search engines have introduced an algorithm known as Google Adwords which allows businesses and individuals to bid on keywords related to their product or service so that when people type these words into their browsers, they will see ads from those businesses alongside regular results.

The Foundation Keywords Provide

Keywords are the foundation of search engine marketing campaigns. Keywords are the words that people type into search engines to find what they are looking for, and they represent the terms you want your business to be found for. Keyword research is a critical part of any SEM campaign because it helps determine which keywords will drive traffic to your site and convert best. For example, if you sell electronics accessories such as chargers or cables, then “iPhone charger” would be a great keyword for someone who’s looking for one of those things; however, if you sell headphones then maybe “best Bluetooth headphones” would be better suited since people searching this term tend not only want quality products but also ones that connect wirelessly via Bluetooth technology (which may or may not come with their phone).

Cost Per Click (CPC)

The cost per click (CPC) is a metric that determines how much advertisers pay every time someone clicks on their ad. The CPC depends on several factors, including the advertiser’s budget and competition. Advertisers can choose to pay a higher CPC in order to get more clicks or lower their bid so they don’t spend as much money. For example, if you’re running an ad for your business and want as many people as possible to see it–even if those people aren’t interested in buying from you, you may choose a higher bid so that more people will click through and see what products or services you offer. However, if someone has already visited your website before seeing the ad and decided not to purchase anything there yet because he wasn’t ready for something new at that moment but would rather wait until later when everything was perfect (or almost), then perhaps paying less than usual would be better because then when he does return later after making sure everything else is ready too then maybe this time around he will decide yes!

Is Determined By Many Factors

Search engine ranking is determined by many factors, including relevance to the search query, quality and reputation of a website, and popularity of its content. A good way to understand how these factors affect your site’s ranking is by looking at two websites that are similar except for one difference: one has higher authority than the other. For example, if you type “NYC restaurants” into Google and compare results from Yelp versus TripAdvisor (two sites with similar content), you’ll notice that TripAdvisor appears higher in the organic listings because they have more authority than Yelp. Another thing worth noting is that while relevancy matters most when determining where your site will rank on Google or Bing, it doesn’t mean much on other search engines like Yahoo!

The World’s Largest Search Engine

Google AdWords is an example of a platform that offers businesses exposure on the world’s largest search engine – Google.com. Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising service, which means that advertisers only pay for each click on their ads and not for impressions (the times when your ad appears). This can be beneficial because it allows advertisers to get more bang for their buck if they have an audience that responds well to their ad copy or landing page content.

Reach The Target Audience Online

Search engine marketing is a very effective way for companies to reach their target audience online. SEM allows you to increase brand awareness, generate leads and drive traffic toward your website. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the process of optimizing web pages so they appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). When people search for products or services on Google, Bing, or Yahoo!, they’re looking for websites that offer what they want – whether that’s information about a product or service, pricing information, and more. If your site isn’t optimized with keywords related to what people search for most often in relation to your industry/niche then it won’t appear in those SERPs!


Search engine marketing (SEM) is the process of getting traffic from search engines. SEM includes both paid and organic search results, but the focus of this guide is on paid advertising. Organic search results are those that appear on Google’s first page without being paid for. To get these results, you need to develop high-quality content that people will want to share with others online or bookmark on their own computers so they can access it later when looking for information related to what they’re interested in.